Terms and Conditions of the Cashback Program




  1. These Regulations define the rules of operation of the Cashback Program conducted as part of the discountdubai.ae website and the DiscountDubai FONIA mobile application.
  2. The Organizer of the Cashback Program is FONIA TELCOM Sp. z o. o. registered in Poland with its registered office in Warsaw, at the address: ul. Twarda 18, 00-105 Warsaw, REGON number: 388645503, NIP number: 1133031081, entered into the Register of Entrepreneurs of the National Court Register kept by the District Court for the capital city of Warsaw in Warsaw, XIV Commercial Division of the National Court Register under number 0000890861 (hereinafter referred to as as the “organizer”).
  3. The Organizer runs the Cashback Program in cooperation with Partners.
  4. Participation in the Cashback Program enables Users to access special promotions, discount codes offered by Partners and entitles them to recover a certain part of the money spent on purchases in Partner stores.
  5. All activities of the User under the Cashback Program take place through the User’s individual Cashback Account.
  6. These Terms and Conditions are available on the website at discountdubai.ae and in the Application.
  7. By joining the Cashback Program, the User agrees to the provisions of these Regulations and undertakes to comply with them.



  1. Regulations – means the content of these regulations specifying the rules of operation of the Cashback Program.
  2. Cashback Program – means a program run by the Organizer, enabling the User to access special promotions, discount codes offered by Partners and entitling to recover a certain part of the money spent on purchases in the Partner’s stores, on the terms set out in these Regulations.
  3. Organizer – the entity indicated in § 1 point 2 of these Regulations.
  4. User – a natural person with full legal capacity who has an individual account in the Application, who is also a consumer and has set up a Cashback Account.
  5. Cashback Account – a set of resources marked with an individual name (login) and password assigned to the User in the Organiser’s ICT system, in which data provided by the User and information on funds collected as part of the Casback are collected, the establishment of which is necessary to participate in the Cashback Program.
  6. Program Partner – natural or legal persons who participate in the Cashback Program, offering discounts and special promotions via the Website and the Application, as well as cashback as part of purchases made in online stores operated by them, on the terms set out in these Regulations.
  7. Application – means the DiscountDubai FONIA mobile application run by the Organiser, through which the User can set up and maintain an Account.
  8. Website – the website at discountdubai.ae, through which the User can set up and maintain an Account.



  1. The Cashback program is intended only for persons with full legal capacity or – in cases provided for by law – limited legal capacity, with the status of a Consumer.
  2. The program is run via the Application and the Website.
  3. The User may at any time stop participating in the Cashback Program on the terms set out in these Regulations.
  4. It is forbidden for the User to provide content or take unlawful actions (inconsistent with the Regulations, contrary to the interests of the Organizer, contrary to decency, etc.). It is forbidden to transfer personal data of third parties via the Application without the consent of these persons. In the case of natural persons who do not have full legal capacity, consent should be given by their statutory representatives or legal guardians.
  5. Violation of the provisions of the previous point may constitute a violation of the law, and thus constitute the basis for instituting civil or criminal proceedings against persons committing such practices
  6. The Organizer reserves the right to block the Cashback Account for a User who has violated the provisions of these Regulations, in particular the provisions of point 4 of this paragraph.



  1. Registration of the Cashback Account takes place via the Website or the Application.
  2. Setting up a Cashback Account is preceded by a confirmation that the User has read and accepted these Regulations.
  3. The registration form requires the User to provide an e-mail address to which an activation link is sent, which must be confirmed by clicking.
  4. After registration, the User is obliged to independently indicate a bank account that will be connected to the Cashback Account and will be used for withdrawals referred to in § 5 point 7 of the Regulations.
  5. Registering for a Cashback Account is free.



  1. The User may withdraw from the contract at any time by deleting the Account.
  2. In the event of deletion of the Account (termination of the agreement), the Organizer returns to the User the funds accumulated in the Cashback Account within 10 days from the end of the agreement.



  1. The Cashback Program entitles the User to access special promotions in online stores of the Program Partners and to recover a certain part of the money spent on purchases.
  2. Through the Cashback Account, the User receives access to advertising banners of Program Partners.
  3. Each banner of the Program Partner referred to in point the previous one, specifies the amount of the refund, presents the deadlines for withdrawing from the purchase and may contain information about the amount of money that must be spent on purchases in a given store.
  4. The value of the money returned for the User’s purchases is first presented in the “Pending” section. After the expiry of the relevant period indicated by the Partner, the value of the money returned for the purchases is automatically transferred to the “Cashback Wallet” section.
  5. If the User withdraws from the contract, the value of the returned funds for the given purchases will be automatically removed from the “Pending” section.
  6. You are entitled to withdraw the value of the refunded money shown in the “Cashback Wallet” section to your bank account at any time. The minimum withdrawal is USD 50, while the maximum withdrawal in one transaction is USD 750.
  7. The Organizer or the Partner reserve the right to refuse to pay out funds in the event of suspicion that the funds have been collected contrary to the Regulations or applicable regulations. In such a situation, the Organizer/Partner shall immediately inform the User about the initiation of the explanatory procedure.
  8. The funds are transferred to the User’s account within 10 days of the withdrawal order.
  9. In the event of resignation from the Cashback Program (deletion of the Account), the funds are transferred to the User’s account within 10 days.
  10. In order to make a correct purchase under the Cashback Program, the User should take the following actions:

a) while logged in to your Cashback Account, press the banner of the Program Partner from whom the User wants to make a purchase,

b) after going to the website of a given Program Partner’s online store, remaining on one internet session, i.e. without turning off the tab or browser, buy products of your choice.



  1. If the User finds that the Cashback Program is implemented by the Organizer contrary to the agreement, the User is obliged to inform the Organizer thereof.
  2. The complaint should contain: User’s data, information containing a description and date of finding the malfunction of the Cashback Program and the User’s request.
  3. Complaints can be submitted by electronic contact – to the Organizer’s e-mail address [email protected].
  4. If the data or information provided in the complaint need to be supplemented, before considering the complaint, the Organizer will ask the complainant to supplement it in the indicated scope.
  5. The Organizer undertakes to consider the complaint submitted by the User, who within 14 days from the date of its submission by the User. If the Organizer, in the case referred to in this point, does not respond to the complaint within the indicated period, it is assumed that it considered the complaint fully justified.



  1. The Organizer reserves the right to introduce restrictions on the use of the Cashback Program caused by its technical service, maintenance work or work on improving its functionality. At the same time, the Organizer undertakes to make every effort to ensure that such restrictions and breaks take place at night and last as short as possible.
  2. Any disputes between the Organizer and the User – subject to their mutual consent – will be settled amicably or in the presence of an independent and impartial mediator.
  3. The Organizer reserves the right to change these Regulations for important reasons, in particular those resulting from changes in legal regulations, technological changes or extending the functionality of the Program. Any changes will be preceded by a clear message from the Organizer about the planned changes. The new Regulations come into force no earlier than 30 days after its announcement and after acceptance of its content by the User. A User who does not agree to the introduced changes should resign from participation in the Cashback Program. In the absence of acceptance, the services are provided on the existing terms.
  4. The Promoter reserves the right to terminate the Cashback Program. In such a situation, it will inform the Users about it two months in advance and will launch the procedure for terminating subscription service contracts, and will return the accumulated funds to the Users within 10 days from the end of the Program.
  5. If it is not possible to resolve the dispute amicably, the court competent for the settlement of disputes will be the court competent according to general rules.
  6. In matters not covered by these Regulations, the relevant provisions of generally applicable law shall apply, including in particular the provisions of Polish law applicable to the registered office of the Organizer or the law applicable to the User. In the event of non-compliance of the provisions of the Regulations with the provisions of law, the provisions of generally applicable law shall prevail.
  7. In the event of non-compliance of any provision of the Regulations with the provisions of law, the remaining provisions of the Regulations remain in force.
  8. The Regulations apply from 28.04.2023.